Produk Kami

SECQURE menjembatani kesenjangan antara merek dan konsumen dengan stiker hologram anti-pemalsuan dan sistem verifikasi kami. Kami menyediakan solusi yang disesuaikan yang menjaga keaslian dan membangun kepercayaan, baik untuk merek dalam mempertahankan integritas atau konsumen yang mencari produk asli. Bergabunglah bersama kami dalam menciptakan pasar di mana keaslian bukanlah pilihan, melainkan jaminan.

Our Products for BRANDS

We concentrate on delivering brands with the most advanced yet easily integrated solutions.

The SECQURE Anti-counterfeit Hologram Sticker is designed to provide top-notch security for your brand, embedded with a unique encrypted QR code and PIN. Crafted with the finest materials and cutting-edge technology, our hologram stickers offer unique features tailored to your needs. The scratch-off function allows for the concealment of underlying information, revealed only when scratched, adding an extra layer of confidentiality. Additionally, our brittle technology ensures that any tampering leaves a specific pattern on the surface, providing immediate evidence of interference. Choose SECQURE Hologram Stickers to safeguard authenticity and build unbreakable trust between your brand and consumers.

The SECQURE Dashboard is your control center for market integrity, offering comprehensive tools to understand and secure your products’ journey.

  • Track & Trace, Real-time tracking and tracing of products in the market, providing insights into the distribution and potential counterfeiting activities.
  • Market Analysis, get insights and analysis on consumers’ data, including demographic information to help refine marketing strategies and business decisions.
  • Distribution Tracking System, Monitor the movement of assigned products across different distribution channels, allowing for effective detection of unauthorized distribution.

Our Products for CONSUMERS

We provide tools to engage consumers directly, fortifying brand loyalty and ensuring authenticity.

SECQURE Verify allows consumers to confirm the authenticity of their purchases with ease. By scanning the QR code and entering the PIN on the product, they can be assured of its genuineness.

Upon successful verification, a certificate of authenticity is issued, providing assurance of their product’s genuineness, and enhancing their trust in the brand.

SECQURE Reward is about more than just purchasing; it’s about building a lasting relationship with your favorite brands. Earn rewards, engage with your favorite products, and experience the joy of loyalty like never before.

Engage consumers in a fun and interactive way with SECQURE Lottery. Host enticing lotteries/giveaways to encourage interaction and brand loyalty. These exciting opportunities can transform ordinary purchases into memorable experiences, strengthening your brand’s and its followers’ bond.


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Business Development Associate

Meet Anna, Your Contact at SECQURE

Hi, I'm Anna, here to assist you with all your inquiries about our innovative anti-counterfeit solutions. I'm just a message away. Kindly fill out the form here, and I'll get back to you via your preferred contact method. Together, we can secure your market and innovate your consumer experience.

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